AIM: lwhirrett  
ICQ: 12336229


Saturday, October 21, 2000

Just read in Kaycee's mom's blog that Kaycee is really sick again. If you believe in the power of prayer, say one for her and her family as they face yet another crisis. I have never met Kaycee face to face but feel a real connection to her. If you read her blog, you will see that she is an incredibly special person.

posted by Lisa 10/21/2000 10:33:00 PM | link it |

I decided to rearrange the living room today and remembered the eHow website. It's a website where you can find out how to do anything. When I first heard of it, I thought it sounded cool but how could it possibly provide answers to everything. Todd and I spent some time trying to feed it a question it wouldn't be able to answer and it had everything we could think of. When I was thinking of how to best change the living room I thought that might be something it wouldn't have in it's database. I was wrong. It's there.. How to Arrange a Living Room. Amazing.

posted by Lisa 10/21/2000 12:42:00 PM | link it |

My Aunt Rosetta sent me an email this morning saying she had stayed up late last night crotcheting something for me. I wish my hands were capable of making something as beautiful as the stuff she gives me. She tried to teach me years ago. I make a real nifty potholder but don't have the patience to go further than that. We tried knitting that night too. Oh my, that was bad. I flung the knitting needles and the ball of yarn. I don't recall what words I uttered but I am sure they weren't fit for young ears. It's funny remembering back now. My aunt picked up the knotted mess from the floor and said very calmly "Here here now. You're doing a really good job so let's try this again, shall we?" I don't believe we did.

posted by Lisa 10/21/2000 10:10:00 AM | link it |

Friday, October 20, 2000

It has been so beautiful outside the past week that it seems sinful to stay inside and work. Tonight I raked leaves from the front yard while Todd was on the porch roof putting plastic on the windows. Like I said, it's beautiful now but says snow a week from today. WOOOHOOOO! I'm pretty certain I'm the only one who sees a snowflake on the weather map and goes "WOOOHOOO!" but that's okay. It makes me unique. Speaking of unique....

You know, there is nothing better than a man who will do things like climb on the roof to plastic windows without being nagged and without complaining?? Sometimes I think I've died and gone to heaven. He even helps with dishes and laundry!

posted by Lisa 10/20/2000 09:02:00 PM | link it |

Nothing like a morning rant from Mancow to get a person's blood pumping. Whether you agree with him or not, the way he presents information will rile up even the calmest person. I don't listen to his radio show every morning but this morning it was on while I was taking my son to school. Within two minutes I was all fired up. Within five minutes I had to shut it off. I've never heard someone spew so much B.S. in such short order. His topic this morning was apparently gun control. This is a subject I feel very strongly about. I should mention that I hate guns. I have never shot one and every single time I get up the guts to try it, I chicken out. Why? Because I don't want something in my hand that is capable of killing someone in a split second.

Now to be fair, I should also mention that I live with a cop so there are several guns in my home. He's the reason why from time to time I feel like I should fire one - just so I know how to handle them properly. Then I think so long as they are locked up in the gun room, there is no reason for me to handle them. At any rate, he knows how I feel and I know he feels it's his right to own them so we agree to disagree on the whole subject. I respect his opinion and he respects mine.

Now this Mancow thing is completely different. This moron was carrying on about how the government stages such things as Columbine, Oklahoma City and Waco so that the media can play out the tragedy. Supposedly the government can later use the footage to scare Americans so that they can pass more gun laws and "keep us under their boot heels". My son is seven and pretty dang smart for only being seven. Unbeknownst to me, he was taking all of this in and when we pulled up in front of the school he said "Mom, is he telling the truth about the school and the building (Oklahoma City)? Is that going to happen?" I said "No bud.. he just carries on like that so people will listen to his radio show."

I hope Mancow doesn't really think the government lets innocent children die just so they can get our guns some day. I doubt he does... after all, this is the same man who prank calls clothing stores to ask if they sell dickies and asks how much for the big dickies. I think it's all scripted to get people to listen. It's not guns or the government that are ruining this country. It's the greed and he's chasing the buck.

posted by Lisa 10/20/2000 08:47:00 AM | link it |

Wednesday, October 18, 2000

Okay, the class is over and I made it through it. Before I went all of my friends told me to chill out, it wouldn't be a big deal, I was making something out of nothing, etc. So how do I feel now that it's done? The same. Sorry folks but I didn't learn anything I didn't already know and as far as I'm concerned all it did was take me away from my son for four hours. Again I want to say that the class is something parents should take if they are putting their children in the middle of the adult conflicts. It is a required element to all modification proceedings as well and it is my belief that is where it belongs. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to say who takes it but if I did...
  1. it would be required only if either of the parties requested a hearing on temporary matters during the intial divorce proceedings;
  2. it would be required when the parties went back into court (post-divorce) to modify visitation, child support, etc.
  3. either party could request the Court to order the parties to attend.
To say that all divorcing parents have to take it is just ludicrous in my opinion.

Last night I should have been home with Christopher. Instead I was attending this mandatory class. Last night I should have picked him up at 5pm. Instead I was on my cellphone with him at 5pm and he was freaking out because he couldn't find his grandma. I was over an hour away and could do nothing but try to calm him down via telephone until she arrived. I know it's silly for me to remain bitter over something that is now in the past but dammit, I am. I'm just as angry about it now as I was when I first learned I'd have to attend.

As for the class itself, it was informative. I took psychology in college and worked in a residential treatment facility with juveniles for four years so I've sat through my share of those kinds of discussions. I am sure it was very useful for those who don't know much about how children react and deal with things. I was ready for a fight though - just sure they would try and tell me what was best for my kid. Surprisingly, the very first sentence the instructor said was, "I wouldnt dare tell you how to parent your children as each child is different and you know your child best." That deflated me considerably and I was glad that she took that stance. I wish I could just let go of the whole thing and think of it as something that had to be done but I can't. I've always had this need to completely and totally understand things before I can let go of them and I can't understand this for the life of me. Yes, I know.. I should shut up already : )

posted by Lisa 10/18/2000 04:47:00 PM | link it |

Monday, October 16, 2000

Tomorrow I have to go to a class for parents who are divorcing. Ugh. I hate the very idea of it but it's mandatory. I think I hate the idea of something being mandatory moreso than I hate the idea of going to a class. I don't get all freaky when the government says I have to do something but things like this bug me. It's a good idea for parents who arent getting along in the process or who put their children in the adult conflicts. If the children are suffering at all then by all means, go learn how to get over yourself already. Scott and I do not do that. Of course we are unique in that we get along better now than we ever have. Without the hassle of trying to be a couple, we can now just be friends. If more people would take that approach, the law wouldn't have to mandate that I go to a class. So to all of you who can't get along... pppffffftttttttttt!

Seriously, is it that hard?? I see people dropping off and picking up kids at the sheriff's office because they can't get along long enough to exchange the kids for visitation. Jesus... how hard can it be to tolerate the person whom you at one time liked enough to make babies with?? Judge Judy says you have to love your children more than you hate each other. I like that woman.

posted by Lisa 10/16/2000 08:19:00 PM | link it |

Sunday, October 15, 2000

Well, the weekend is done already and as usual I didn't get everything done that I needed to do. I am kind of glad winter is coming. Time seems to slow down some in the winter. Most people hate it when the nights seem long but I love it. I feel like I have just a little more time to get things done. One of these days I will get caught up and take a day to do absolutely nothing. Telling myself that keeps me motivated anyway.

posted by Lisa 10/15/2000 09:54:00 PM | link it |

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