AIM: lwhirrett  
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Saturday, February 10, 2001

Oh this lil' town of mine... people here are just great. They had Todd and I sleeping together months before we actually were, some say we are already married and now we've reportedly bought a house. hmmmmm... I was pretty sure I'd remember if I'd slept with someone, equally as sure I'd remember getting married and I'm damn sure I'd remember buying a house. I thought maybe he'd bought me a house and not said anything but it looks like he's as surprised as I am. It's ridiculous and I hope the people who start these stupid rumors feel ridiculous when their prophesy fails to materialize.

posted by Lisa 2/10/2001 10:52:00 AM | link it |

Friday, February 09, 2001

Exciting pictures of the car being towed out of the driveway! Another big day in the small town...

posted by Lisa 2/09/2001 08:33:00 PM | link it |

I just finished working out with the Tae Bo video that Todd got me for Christmas. I spend most of my time sitting in a chair to begin with and this winter hasn't been good for getting much exercise outside. Christopher and I normally take a lot of long walks if the weather is nice. Now that we're back to a typical Iowa winter, I've been packing on the pounds. That's a really good thing except for when a person sits, the weight tends to accumulate on the bottom. Gotta do something about that as well as the fact that my heart rate goes through the roof if I do exert myself much. Tae Bo seems to easy. I'll probably regret that statement in the morning but really, it wasn't near as hard as I thought it was going to be. I don't bend in the middle quite as well as I used to. Years ago I did the Basic Training workout every morning. Boy, that'll make you appreciate muscles you never knew you had before!

C. just came running in the back door screaming that the neighbor kid had fallen down in the back yard and was at the bottom of the hill with a broken leg. Just as I jumped up to run to the rescue, the little poop came in laughing his butt off and said "I was just jokin'!" then looks at me and says "You weren't going to come out after me were you?" I gave him the most serious look I could muster and said "Heck no! It's cold out. I was gonna leave you out there until spring. You'd thaw out eventually." I think he took it serious because he went home.

We had a bad ice storm last night followed by a lot of snow this morning. I think everyone was stuck in their driveways. Of course Todd had to work so he had to get the patrol car out. After about 25 minutes, he decided it just wasn't going to back out under it's own power. I was hoping he'd just get the day off. No such luck - they sent a wrecker to drag it out. Stay tuned for pictures : )

posted by Lisa 2/09/2001 06:10:00 PM | link it |

Thursday, February 08, 2001

Todd and I are so much alike sometimes, it's scary. Our differences are even scarier. One major difference is glaring in my face this evening. We are both intelligent people. I tend to let everyone know up-front that they are dealing with someone who's smarter than the average bear. Todd has this unique way of letting people think he's a fool. Sometimes that's a charming quality, one that makes me laugh. People think they've really pulled something over on him and all the while he's laughing his ass off at their stupidity. Sometimes (tonight) it enrages me to no end. I think there comes a time when you must let people know that you are NOT a total idiot, that you are perfectly aware of their attempts to deceive you. There comes a time when it's necessary to wipe the smirk off their face and expose them as the stupid ass they truly are. He won't do it and I'm not in a position to do it for him. I keep threatening that when we are married, I will jump into battle on his behalf and god knows I want to soooo bad. Truth be told, it's just not my place. Some things he has to deal with his way and I have to trust that he knows what is best. Trusting him is not the difficult part because he does know what he's doing. It's just radically different than the way I'd handle it. I'd have knocked someone on their butt a long time ago : )

To close this thought, I'd just like to point out that I love him with all of my heart and I don't like the idea of someone thinking he's a idiot. Soooo... if you're reading this and thinking "yup, he's as dumb as a post", well let me enlighten you. You are the fool. When I get over being mad, I'll be laughing along with him.

phew... now that I have *that* off my chest.... I was looking at the cute picture of Boris on Faith's site and remembered that we saw a pug in Des Moines last weekend. I had never been in a Petco before. It's a really cool place with a nifty concept. You can actually take your pet to the pet store with you. Anyway, there was a cute little Boris look-alike running around looking as if she owned the place. The take your pet with you idea is a really neat one except there was this little brown mixed breed dog who barked nonstop. Maybe they could treat barking or unruly pets like any other store would a drunk... escort them outside. hehehe

posted by Lisa 2/08/2001 08:04:00 PM | link it |

Wednesday, February 07, 2001

Our gerbils died last night. They were so much fun. They would let a person hold them, they played and did the cutest things. They were easy to care for and didn't stink up the house. Now they're gone. The hamster sleeps all day, bites the hand that feeds him, chews the cage bars as if to say he'd kill us all if he could just gnaw his way out and he stinks to high heaven.... yet he lives on. Where's the justice in that??

It's surely about time for a vacation. My personal balance has gone off kilter to where I am now experiencing more negative than positive. I find myself frowning a lot, bitching a lot, and popping tylenol/aspirin/ibuprofen way too much. Last night I snapped at my mother. I still think she needed to see my point of view but I could've handled it so much better than I did. I get this way when I have too many things up in the air at a time. I need to make some firm decisions and then stick with them. The problem is that I don't know when to cut my losses and when to fight to the finish or where the finish line is for that matter.

posted by Lisa 2/07/2001 10:16:00 PM | link it |

Monday, February 05, 2001

Patti used to work at Burger King. Maybe she can shed some light on what the bright blue spot in the middle of the hamburger is.

posted by Lisa 2/05/2001 08:26:00 AM | link it |

Sunday, February 04, 2001

Moonies?? I haven't heard that term since I was a child. I vaguely remember the adults talking about the Moonies being in town. I had no idea who they were or what they did. Apparently they didn't have much luck in the rural midwest because I've not heard of them since. From the stuff I've read this morning, it sounds like that's a really good thing.

posted by Lisa 2/04/2001 10:33:00 AM | link it |

Went to Des Moines yesterday to get my ring sized. I really hate Des Moines. It's crowded and for the most part, people are rude. The sales gal at the jewelry store was determined that I needed a wedding band to go with my solitaire. I told her we had no immediate plans so that would come later. I just wanted to look around and leave my ring for sizing. She wouldn't take no for an answer and just kept dragging more bands out of the case for me to look at. I suggested maybe one should be paid off before another is purchased. Of course that just led to the "60 days same as cash" pitch. When she finally accepted that we weren't going to be slapping another couple grand on the counter, she acted really pissed off at me. I hope she managed to get over herself before the next customer came in. Geesh..

Between work and the weather being crappy, I managed to spend the month of January holed up in this house for the most part. It was good to get out again.

I thought Maggie's story of puking at Walmart was the most embarrassing story I'd ever heard. This one tops it.

posted by Lisa 2/04/2001 10:10:00 AM | link it |

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