AIM: lwhirrett  
ICQ: 12336229


Saturday, February 17, 2001

I'm on the phone with my brother who drives a semi cross country for a living. He just told me the most amazing story that affirms to me once again that there is a God. He was driving 70 mph on a Mississippi interstate in the pouring rain and went to pass a Mustang. The driver of the Mustang didn't like that idea and sped up to about 80 mph to get back ahead of him. Right when he pulled back in behind the Mustang it hydroplaned and came sliding sideways into the front of him. He pushed the car a considerable distance while trying to get stopped without jack-knifing. As he slowed the car broke loose from the bumper of the semi, did a 360 and ran under the trailer hitting the belly boxes and tandems then did another 360 and came to rest on the center line. Another semi had to take the shoulder to avoid the now stopped car and that semi got sucked off the muddy shoulder and down into the ditch. My brother sent his wife back to check on everyone because he just knew he had killed the guy in the car. He called 911 on his cellphone and told them he'd just killed someone and to send everything they had because another truck was involved too. His wife came back to the truck and told him the guy was standing beside his car without a scratch on him. Unbeknownst to them at the time, another car had been close behind when this whole string of events began to unfold and they took the ditch too. The only injury was to my sister-in-law who was asleep in the back and scraped her shoulder as she rolled out of the bunk when he first jammed on the brakes. The Mustang was totally destroyed and the driver told my brother that when he felt it initially break loose he thought to himself, "This is my day to die" and closed his eyes through the whole thing. My brother said "Well, buddy, I thought it was my day to oblige you."

posted by Lisa 2/17/2001 09:43:00 PM | link it |

Friday, February 16, 2001

My last two search engine referrals were "suck me" and "man doing housework". Now come on... both of those are wishful thinking and you certainly won't find them here. ha!

posted by Lisa 2/16/2001 04:52:00 PM | link it |

Wednesday, February 14, 2001

We are in the midst of yet another ice storm. Todd had to work until 2pm today and had planned all week on going to Des Moines to pick up my ring after work. I told him if the weather was bad, he wasn't doing any such thing. Well, the weather is beyond bad and he was insisting he go anyway. We *discussed* it at great length and he finally convinced me that the roads weren't that bad - that he'd know since he'd worked them all day. It was obvious he'd made up his mind that I had to have my ring back for Valentines Day and he wasn't taking no for an answer. He hadn't been gone long until the ambulance, rescue and cops went running lights and sirens in the same direction he'd taken. I called his cell and he was fine. About an hour after he left our friend Mark showed up looking for him. I told him he'd went to Des Moines and Mark said "Is he crazy??? It's nasty as hell out there!" So I'm scared... Mark is a nut who lives for adverse conditions so he can try to break his neck. If he says it's bad then it's very bad. Yeah!!! He just pulled in the driveway. Don't know whether to hug him or kill him when he gets in the door. Suppose I should get the ring first, then decide. : )

posted by Lisa 2/14/2001 06:10:00 PM | link it |

Tuesday, February 13, 2001

I am soooo cranky and poor Todd has to deal with it. He does this very well... patience of a saint, that's why I luv him : )

I have posted my frustrations here. It's not the complete list but it's all I can deal with right now.

posted by Lisa 2/13/2001 10:52:00 PM | link it |

I need someone to yell at, dammit!! I have a list of complaints a mile long and no one to vent them too. At least not anyone I dislike enough to unleash the fury on. I was going to take the Blog You guys to task but Al has done it gracefully and with more consideration than I could've mustered.

posted by Lisa 2/13/2001 07:49:00 PM | link it |

Monday, February 12, 2001

The PTA at Christopher's school is having a fundraiser for new playground equipment. They really need some new stuff as they are using the same swings that were there when I was in his grade some twenty odd years ago. He came home tonight all excited because they sell this stuff door to door and they get prizes based on what they sell. He wants to sell to 95 people so he can get all of the prizes. They only have until Friday for going door to door. I explained that his goal would probably be unattainable due to the time constraint and he deflated big time. I looked over the paper and it turns out this place has a website. So what's a web enabled mom gonna do?? Well, advertise that fact here in hopes that her online buddies will help! : )

If you're interested, go to and click on "shoppers start here" and then on the right hand side where it says "select school and student". Enter cwhirrett in the student selection box and it should take you to a page that says you are supporting South Elementary School then click the continue shopping button and shop. They have a pretty good selection of jewelry, candles, chocolates, etc. I didn't design it but I am asking you to go there so please accept my apologies for the slow load time, bad design and poor usability of the site.

posted by Lisa 2/12/2001 07:02:00 PM | link it |

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