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Saturday, October 13, 2001

New pictures from today can be found here. I really need to get a better system for posting pictures.

posted by Lisa 10/13/2001 09:17:00 PM | link it |

Okay, this could be very weird and maybe useful. I am posting this from AIM. Watch out Brooke... if this works, I can start copying and pasting our conversations into AIM, sending them here and then people would find out that you really are nice. heh.

posted by Lisa 10/13/2001 09:15:00 PM | link it |

Well, whaddayaknow... the sun came out after all. The trip to the pumpkin patch wasn't all that I had hoped for. I did get some pictures that I need to download off the camera. Dummy me.... get over there and there's no memory card in the camera. I had left it in the card reader at home. Luckily, the camera came with a 16mb card. Doesn't hold many pictures so we don't use it but it is always in the camera bag. Instead of 100+ pictures, I took 30. I think I'll go look at them now and maybe throw some more together real quick.

posted by Lisa 10/13/2001 06:05:00 PM | link it |

Off to the pumpkin patch...

I've wanted to go for a week. With the sun shining, it makes for beautiful photos. Today is the day I am able to go and wouldnt ya know... it's raining. Rain in the forecast for the whole weekend with sun returning as I return to the work week. Dammit. There's a small break in the rain though so we're loading up the kids and heading to the patch. I'll take the camera and settle for some cloudy day shots.

posted by Lisa 10/13/2001 01:13:00 PM | link it |

Thursday, October 11, 2001

Linux has been seriously kicking my butt this week, hence the lack of posts here. My family has been neglected so tonight we took a walk on the trail. It was beautiful outside. I, of course, took some more pictures. I decided to pick some of my favorites from the last week and narrowed them down to thirty. Here they are:

Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three

I think I just heard Christopher say that paying for insurance was the same as paying life support. I suppose it is. I do have to wonder why he thinks of things like that. Maybe he's going to be philosophical. Or maybe he's just being silly. For some reason, that reminded me of the time a psychologist asked me if I was a headlight or a taillight. I answered "I'm a turn signal." Answers like that tend to throw people for a loop. I don't think I meant anything by it (other than just being a smartass) but it sure made him stop and think.

posted by Lisa 10/11/2001 10:57:00 PM | link it |

Sunday, October 07, 2001

I have been taking a lot of pictures on the weekends. With a little guidance from my friends, I am getting very comfortable using a digital camera. The problem is what to do with 1200 pictures of family, flowers, rocks, bugs, etc. I used to create photo albums on Ofoto but I don't think I'll be doing that anymore. They do something with the resolution so they aren't as crisp and clear... I suppose to save bandwidth. That makes sense ... it is a free service after all.

Today I uploaded a few and tried to link directly to a picture inside an album. It gave me an error saying I wasn't authorized to view that picture. Looks like maybe they've inserted a script that only allows you to view a photo if you come in through an album.

Anyway, I decided that it's not worth the hassle and created a quick page of my favorite photos from this weekend and uploaded it to this server. Not sure that's worth the hassle either. You can be the judge.

posted by Lisa 10/07/2001 11:35:00 PM | link it |

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