AIM: lwhirrett  
ICQ: 12336229


Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Just a couple of things from today:

I leaned too far back in the chair not designed to lean back very far at all. One minute I'm stretching, the next minute I'm looking at the ceiling. And yes, it hurt and Todd assures me it will hurt even worse tomorrow.

We put the new carpet down in the kitchen tonight. It's not perfect but we had to do it in record time due to our conflicting schedules. I like it so much better than that old orange/yellow checkered crap that was there before.

When I was little, I was afraid of almost everything, particularly if there was a chance it could hurt me. Tonight as we were laying the carpet, I told Todd to be very careful of the gas valve where we'd unhooked the stove. Christopher, who is too much like me sometimes, said "Could that blow up?" and I said "Yes if someone knocks that gas valve open and gas spews all over."

Before I could explain the circumstances necessary for an explosion, he was out the front door like a shot. I started laughing and remarked to Todd that he was so much like me when I was his age. Todd replied "Yeah, and just think... before you know it he'll be smoking cigarettes and telling people to f--k off. You'll be so proud!"

Oh what a funny guy.

posted by Lisa 1/22/2002 10:32:00 PM | link it |

Sunday, January 20, 2002

This is snow. Yeah right. The lack of snow this winter is causing me great distress. Soon I will be unable to leave the house without inflicting bodily harm on someone. Everywhere I went yesterday folks were commenting on our "spring like weather" and how they'd "take this over snow anytime". What's the matter with people?? It's January! This is Iowa! We should be at least ankle deep (I prefer butt deep) in white stuff, wrestling a snow shovel.

I understand bitching about having to shovel and clean off cars and I totally appreciate the dangers of winter driving. Really, I do. But to stand in the checkout line and positively beam while discussing this warm, dry weather is just wrong. Okay, maybe it's just wrong to discuss it with me. Yeah, for your own safety, do not ask my opinion on the weather. Ask me how I feel about the location of the new swimming pool. Ask me how C's doing in school. Ask me if Todd likes his job. Just do not ask me about the weather.

I just received an email of "inspirational" quotes from an old friend. This one I like: "Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off."

posted by Lisa 1/20/2002 12:01:00 PM | link it |

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