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On being the mom of a Jr. High student

Everyone warned me that parenting a junior high kid was not fun. Oh boy. Some days that's an understatement. He is in football which is so cool. I've not seen him so excited about anything as he is football. We practice in the backyard at night (even though I throw like a girl) and that time together is awesome.

The attitude that is trying to creep in is not so awesome. I never knew I was so stupid until he started to tell me. Guess how well this goes over???

This morning he called from school and wanted me to bring money to buy a football shirt. I get out there with my checkbook and he's acting cool in front of his friends. No problem - I understand and can live with that. When I told him to turn around and get his retainer off his breakfast tray and into his mouth, he snapped at me and said, in front of his friends, "You are being stupid. You are not listening!", I decided to be the mean and stupid mom that I supposedly am. I can tolerate a whole lot of crap but to walk away from a orthodontic appliance that cost his dad and I a whole lot of money that neither of us have and then call me stupid because I'm telling him to get it, oh buddy. He's not getting a football shirt now and had to tell the coach why.

I feel like I've already put in a full days work.