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March 2005 Archives

March 5, 2005

Life is just too crazy

There is not much of anything left that resembles normal anymore. I do have a wonderful guy though. (So long as he can hold on through the nuttiness that seems to follow me.) As a surprise he bought me the Bambi DVD and a stuffed Thumper the day the movie was re-released last week. All because I said I loved the movie when I was a kid. Now how many guys would think to do that four and a half years into a relationship?

March 24, 2005

Too long between posts

My friend Lori pointed out that I'd let the page go blank again. I've got nothing. Life is just flying by at warp speed. Oh, Saturday will mark my two year anniversary without a cigarette. That's a good thing.

March 30, 2005


I hate mornings when the boy and I get off to a bad start. Even though it's not a big deal, I still hate sending him off to school without time to get world back upright again.

Thank God summer is almost here.

About March 2005

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in March 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2005 is the previous archive.

April 2005 is the next archive.

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