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February 2006 Archives

February 1, 2006

to whom it may concern

(I hate these types of posts but they are necessary from time to time)

It is no one's business why I was at school today but since it seems there is now a rumor going around that C. was kicked out, I will fill you nosey people in.

*I* went to school on my own. *I* pulled C. out of his class to talk to the guidance counselor. No one knew I was coming. I go for the shock value, ya know? Anyway, he's never been a behavioral problem kinda kid and if luck holds, he never will be. He is irresponsible and because I care what my kids are doing, I can and will take action immediately if I see they need help.

We made a plan for getting his assignments from his locker to his classrooms. Not near the drama you thought but things in our life rarely are all you'd hoped for. Thanks for the time under the microscope and as usual, there is nothing to see here so move along.

Oh, if you're interested, the rest of our family is doing great as well. Ben is doing fine in school, Emily is rocking out at basketball, Todd and I are still nose to the grindstone to make ends meet. See, boring. Sorry.

February 16, 2006

Back into the freezer!

After some gorgeous 50+ degree days, we are back into the deep freeze. I hate it when we have a dog who refuses to acknowledge temperature or elements. Rain, hail, sleet or snow - the mail will be delivered and Lucy will demand to play frisbee.

Here she is looking super cute in her new sweater. hahahaha

February 26, 2006

My poor heart!

Regional Champs

Originally uploaded by justlisaw.

Our HS girls won regionals tonight 60-59 in triple overtime and are going to State! I honestly can't remember a time I've been so pumped.

Way past my bedtime... more on this tomorrow.


About February 2006

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in February 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2006 is the previous archive.

March 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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