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March 2006 Archives

March 8, 2006

The big game

Our high school girls basketball team (minus Eva, who is broken hearted in Brazil) made it to state. Practically the whole town went up to watch them play in the new Wells Fargo Arena. They lost the game but it was a wonderful experience for our little town. Total togetherness for one day under the jumbo screen. It was awesome. Thanks Coaches and girls for taking us there!

I took a ton of pics with my new camera and put the very best ones up here. You'll notice #23 is in a lot of them. That's because she's a senior starter and plays every quarter, but we're also quite fond of her so naturally my camera followed her around. YAY CALLAN!! YOU ROCK!

If tradition holds, and it usually does, girls state tourney signals the beginning of Spring. We'll have one more winter storm and then sunshine and happiness from here til October. Or something like that.

March 14, 2006

My poor little Lucy

Lucy, our overly energetic weimaraner, was acting weird today. I faithfully spend a full hour every morning, regardless of the weather, playing frisbee with her so she will leave me alone to work. Again at noon, out for 20 mins of frisbee.

Today she didn't want to play. The whole morning went by without her even poking her head in the office. I took her out at noon but she wouldn't play. Just looked at me with eyes like a little kid who is sick.

Todd came home and took her to the vet. She has a fever caused by an infection somewhere. They gave her antibiotics and are keeping her overnight. I won't sleep. She is such a people dog and we are her people. She's never been away from us for more than two hours since she was little puppy. She literally goes everywhere we go and now she is stuck in a kennel at the vets office, not feeling good. Poor baby. Silly to get this worried over a dog I'm sure but I still am.

March 16, 2006

Lucy Update

Lucy is fine, thank God. She has antibiotics to take for awhile but she is back at 100%. Might even be 120%. She about knocked me through the wall when she first got home. Lucy kisses are very violent if you aren't expecting them. I have a lot of pics to upload but no time to do so. Gotta goooooooo.....

March 23, 2006

First the dog, now the kid

Now C. is really sick. Took him to the doctor yesterday and am to keep him home the rest of the week. He was sick Monday but recovered in the afternoon and was fine Tuesday. Tuesday night (why do kids always get sick in the middle of the night??) he was really sick and yesterday he could barely get around. Just checked on him and he still looks and sounds bad. I can't afford to be sick so I've been washing my hands and using GermX and disinfecting with clorox wipes to the point my fingers are cracked and bleeding. Fun times!

I would like a vacation where no one talks to me or adds to my to-do lists for a week so I can get caught up. Laundry is backed up, supplies are running out, bills are unpaid. blah. I need an assistant and a second job to pay him/her.

Ah well, we had our last big spring snow and the tulips are coming up. Spring will soon be here and basketball practices will be replaced with baseball. Scraping frost for ten minutes in the morning will be replaced with watering the garden. Always too little time in a day it seems but I'd fight for this life if someone tried to take it.

Reminds me of a column I've meant to link to. Rob Borsellino, a columnist with the Des Moines Register, has ALS/Lou Gehrigs and it's hitting him hard and fast. He occasionally writes about in his opinion piece such as he did in my favorite, Despite sickness, life seems worth staying around for . If you haven't read it, you should take a few minutes and do so.

March 26, 2006

Do you smoke?

If you do, today's a great day to quit. It's my three year smoke free anniversary! If I can do it, anyone can so jump on my lucky day and put that shit out! Now breeeeeathe and enjoy the first of many, many deep breaths you can take if you'll only get the monkey off your back.

Kitty was very influential in my quit and pointed me to great support sites, including a bulletin board that has been very helpful. I will repost my three year reflection in the extended entry if you are interested.

Continue reading "Do you smoke?" »

About March 2006

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in March 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 2006 is the next archive.

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