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April 2004 Archives

April 3, 2004



Isn't she beautiful? I just love her hairdo. heh.

Yes, I am still sick. Obviously feverish.

April 4, 2004

It was a beautiful day

Yesterday I didn't do much besides try to fight this cold off. Todd and Christopher were gone to a Boy Scout campout so I had the place to myself. Did the usual housework and some things outside but not too much.

Today it was gorgeous and I felt a little better so I raked leaves and cleaned flowerbeds. When the guys got home Todd mowed the front yard and burned the dead stuff I'd cleaned from around everything. Early this evening we pulled the boat out of winter storage and took a quick run around the lake. Ran like a charm. Yippeeeee!!!

Now tonight my cough is suddenly back worse than ever. Just in the last ten minutes or so. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I've taken Nyquil and it's off to bed for me. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

April 9, 2004

Small minded homophobes

The Senate Education Committee questioned an openly gay nominee on whether he'd promote a "gay agenda" in public schools. Are the heterosexual members of the state school board promoting a hetero agenda? I would hope they are promoting learning in an equal opportunity, safe environment.

April 12, 2004

Happy Birthdays to Us

Todd's birthday was Saturday. Mine is tomorrow. I didn't have a chance to get out and buy him anything so Emily and I concentrated on making him all of his favorite foods over the weekend. That seemed to work good for him.

I thought it was determined that no one had the time or money for gifts but tonight he comes in with presents. He says because it's my birthday tomorrow and he will not allow me to celebrate it without gifts. He got me a DeWalt sander in a nice case and a small finishing sander. Sounds weird I know but it's what I always say I want when we see them in Home Depot. I want to refinish furniture. (like I have time for that) I also say I want a new canister set and bread box for my countertop. And a dachshund.

I **REALLY** want a dachshund but we don't need any more pets. My mother, hellbent on paying me back for every stray I ever drug home, decided the kids needed Easter chickens. Live ones. Does this look like a freakin' farm??? Apparently.

The funny thing was when I finished my rant about "Who is going to take care of these? Where will they live when they get big and not so cute??". Mom said "Well, do you have some place to put them for now?" and I said "Yes. I'll have to drag that other aquarium out of the shed." Benjamin said "NOOOO!!!! LISA!!!! THEY CAN'T SWIM!!!"

Continue reading "Happy Birthdays to Us" »

April 14, 2004

Some sleep please

Here I am again, almost three in the morning and I'm wide awake. Somehow in the last three weeks my life has gotten all out of balance again. You know how little kids will run so fast that their body outruns their feet? And those last five or six steps are wild and out of control as they struggle to slow down and regain balance? And then they fall end over end regardless? It's like that.

April 16, 2004

Spring Concerts

Last night was Em's spring concert. She was a cute little ladybug and actually sang and smiled this year. C's concert is a week from Monday. After those are out of the way it seems like the remainder of the school year just flies by.

C. starts baseball practice tomorrow morning. Of course it's his dad's Saturday so not sure how that is going to shake out yet. It's going to be a very busy summer I'm afraid. Baseball, swimming lessons and Boy Scouts will fill all the spare moments I'm sure.

Posting this at 5:30AM. Another night of not being able to sleep. The night before I took some Nytol and it worked fairly well. I wont be taking it again though as I cannot do my job with that hung over feeling lingering through half the day. I just need another hour in the day to set aside to solve the world's problems then I wouldnt have to lie awake at night doing it.


I have the good fortune of having had the same two best friends for practically my whole life. Crystal and I met when we were five and she moved in down the street from me. She had a nicer bicycle than me. I hated her. 32 years later she calls from 1,000 miles away on my birthday and leaves a message on my machine, "Hey you old hag! Happy birthday! Boy, I bet you have some gray hairs now don't you? Lord have mercy you're gettin' old! Anyways, happy birthday. I love you and I miss you!" I hate her.

Continue reading "Friends" »

April 19, 2004


We stood in the hot sun at an auction most of the day Saturday hoping to become the proud new owners of a Palamino popup camper. Those of you who also stood waiting only to be outbid, sorry. You might feel better knowing that once we got it to the lake, the wind kicked up to 25MPH with gusts of 40 and only increased overnight.

Continue reading "Camping" »

April 20, 2004

Boys are .... ?

We took C. and one of his friends to Pizza Hut last night as a reward for an A on a science test. When did the Hut get so expensive?? Yikes! Anyway, I got quite an education listening to the two of them. On the way home we had a spelling bee in the car and then played a game of Blurt! I told Todd we must adopt the neighbor kid. He is so smart. An example from the game of Blurt!:

Who is the greatest basketball player of all time? Larry Bird!
Who did he play pro ball for? Celtics!
What was his number? 33!
Where is he from? French Lick, Indiana!

Genius! And I didn't even have to coach him!

Continue reading "Boys are .... ?" »

April 25, 2004


We went to Des Moines yesterday and didn't even realize it was Todd's nephew's prom night. I think Dustin was a little surprised to see the whole dang family waiting for him and his date. Finally, a time when I should have had the camera and actually did have it!

Other pics from the day including Laney who gets more adorable every time we see her.

About April 2004

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in April 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2004 is the previous archive.

May 2004 is the next archive.

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