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July 2004 Archives

July 2, 2004


The night before I redid my bed to make it more comfortable and turned on the AC to make the room cooler. Last night I ate early, didn't look at work after 7pm AND took a melatonin tablet at 9pm. It's 3:30AM. Something is still not working right.

July 6, 2004

Yup, still awake

This weekend was so incredibly busy and yesterday was just nuts as far as doing exhausting things. Had one of C's friends most of the day. We went bowling for the afternoon. I haven't bowled in probably ten years but was able to get three games in before my arm started to protest. Moved flowers for my mom in the evening. Doesn't sound major but we're talking two pickup loads of outdoor plants. Made a flowerbed for her at the new place and put down 9 bags of mulch. Got home and hauled out our garbage, did some laundry, and all the other things that got missed over the weekend. Took Melatonin and fell into bed about 10:30. Woke up at 2:30 and here I am still. My brain will not shut off!

I actually got out of bed with something very specific in mind to do work wise. Can't remember it now. I keep saying I am going to put a notebook by the bed so when I wake up, I can scribble down all the things that flood my brain.

Continue reading "Yup, still awake" »

July 9, 2004


A week of Melatonin and I'm still awake. I wonder how long is long enough for something like that to work. The only difference I notice is that now when I wake up after 3-4 hours of sleep, I have a dull ache in my head and neck. Anyone have experience with Kava Kava? That's my next experiment I think.

July 19, 2004

Is this summer flying by or what?

I don't think my page has ever gone blank before. Yikes! Sorry about that and thanks to everyone who checked on me. We're fine - just busier than normal even.

My uncle passed away last week so had family visiting from out of state. The garage building cannot stop because of the rain that is sure to come. My mom is moving to a house that needs a ton of cleaning and fixing up. Late nights with cousins, early mornings building garage, days at work, moms in the evening to scrub - doesn't leave time for here.

The garage is coming right along now. Early Saturday morning they put the roof trusses in place. I was worried that they'd fall or someone would get hurt. I ended up with 6 kids here and that kept me out of the backyard for the most part. Good thing or I'd have been in the way, waiting to catch someone.

Yesterday Todd and Ron put sheeting on one half of the roof. I only had 4 kids running around so was able to be there when it seemed Todd was about to step off the roof backwards. I'll be so glad when this building is over and all the power tools are tucked safely away again.

This was going to be my relaxing summer. Maybe next year.

July 27, 2004

On vacation

6AM work on the garage (which I need to post pics of), afternoons and evenings scrubbing and repairing and moving things around at my mom's house in the hopes that we'll be done with the work and truly ready to hit vacation mode on Thursday and part of Friday. Friday evening we'll have to gear up for three kid weekend. Like my mom said, "When you own a home and have kids, don't expect time to yourself for vacation." I can hope to squeeze a day and a half out of it, can't I?

Aunt Rose, I know you are working long hours but I am hoping to bring Todd up to see everyone in that neck of the woods. As is always the case, we'll play it by ear and if you see us, you'll know we're there. HA!

July 28, 2004

Getting outta Dodge

C. is at a week-long Boy Scout camp and tonight is family night. We'll be making the drive over to see how the boy is coping without his mommy. Probably lots better than mommy is doing without the boy.

Garage pics are up-to-date again if you're so bored you want to see a building go up. Kinda cool to watch in slideshow mode. Hard to believe we've been working on that dang thing almost three months. Labor of love?

In a fit only the Crazy Neighbor Lady could understand, I painted all my kitchen cabinet hardware yesterday. Quick, slapped together page of before and after from that can be found here. Top pic is the only before I could find. Way before... like three and a half years ago when we moved in. The hardware was nasty hammered copper stuff with 40 years of grime. To replace the hardware would have been well over $300. Ten hours and a can of hammered effect spray paint and it looks mucho better.

Oops.. gotta go. Tonight may be the only vacation part of vacation I get.

About July 2004

This page contains all entries posted to JustLisa in July 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2004 is the previous archive.

August 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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